Make room for real foods
How many times do you open your refrigerator in a day? 5 or 10? Do you open the fridge to find some healthy snacks? We could see the hope in you to find something new, healthy and tummy-filling. Pledge to avoid a fridge of unhealthy kinds of stuff and promise to fill it with real foods. Your mom might have surely insisted on you eating fruits and vegetables or your doctor might have told you now. It is better to do it as early as possible. Dispense with unhealthy non-perishables It is easy to promise to eat better but taking efforts to make it out is quite difficult. Physically remove the unhealthy stuff from kitchen shelves, fridge and from the entire home. Replace the shelf and fridge with real foods of fruits and vegetables Trichy . Though our family understands the nutritional benefits, they don’t enjoy the substitution. Hence, the shift could be a completely slow process. Replace with real foods Fill the kitchen shelves, fridge with real and perishable goods fr...